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What do you know about mint?

Writer's picture: GREENBARGREENBAR

🌿 Discover the world of mint! 🌿"Familiar Stranger"🌿

Familiar because this unpretentious plant has grown in all rural gardens since time immemorial. Stranger because now, when haute cuisine recipes have come to our kitchens, we have begun to use mint in completely unexpected, new combinations. And magical because there are more than 400 varieties of mint in the world and each one keeps the mystery of its unique taste and aroma.

🍊Orange mint - a variety that has gained popularity for its light, unpretentious, orange aroma

🍏Moroccan mint - has a sweet, minty-fresh aroma, tart peppery taste

🍓Strawberry mint - mint that has a pronounced aroma of strawberries or apples with a subtle hint of chocolate

🍋Citrus mint - a spicy herb with the aroma of citrus fruits.

🍈Ginger mint - has an amazing taste and aroma of ginger root

🍩Chocolate mint - has an incomparable mint aroma with notes of vanilla and chocolate. Has leaves with a crimson hue

🍃Menthol mint - remember the bright taste of menthol candies? This is exactly the taste and aroma of fresh leaves

🍌Banana mint - has a subtle spicy banana smell and unobtrusive mint flavor, tender leaves

🍹The mystery of different varieties of mint is revealed in cooking, there are varieties that reveal their aromas in heat treatment, give a bouquet of flavors to meat, fish or in tea. There is mint that opens up from drops of water, is suitable for refreshing drinks, salads and decorating desserts, and there is mint that gives flavor to oil or sauce, and there is mint without which dessert is not dessert, it enhances and refreshes the taste! There is very, very sweet mint! It will replace sugar in your dishes by 200%. Each mint has a different texture and color of leaves and flowers!

🌿Interesting? Conduct your own experiments! 🌿

And I wonder if you buy mint, what place it occupies in your culinary art, how important is the taste, texture of the leaf and secret notes of the aftertaste....

The next story will be about the health benefits of mint. The whole truth and fiction.

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